Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The morning of New Year's Eve a friend took me to this gorgeous cliff with the most amazing view. What a wonderful start to what will be a great year for me professionally and personally. I immediately had to take out the trusty IPhone and take some pictures. One of my Goals this year is to really appreciate the world around me, because not everyone gets to take a walk on the beach at the end of December wearing Flip Flops ;) I'm spoiled I know.

I made some new friends and participated in 4 fashion shows! I grew as a designer, seamstress, and pattern maker. 2011 was the year to get my name out there, to network, to develop my design aesthetic, to set the foundation for whats going to be an incredible life journey. I am grateful for every opportunity and humbled by every compliment. Thank you for an awesome year! I'm ready to make 2012 even BETTER! 

I have BIG plans for this year, so many things I want to accomplish, so many things already in the works I want to focus my blogging on staying in the moment to realize how blessed I am and how much I have already accomplished on my journey. I want to share a little more about my personal life and the opportunities I'm given as a fashion designer. 

In April I will have a few pieces in a local art magazine! I am planning a photo shoot for my look book, that means I will finally be listing clothing on my ETSY!!!!

Also, Just because I think you are wonderful I am hosting a giveaway for Valentine's Day!! On Saturday I will post the blog featuring the items, and how you can win them!!! 

(sorry this is wayyyy late but better late than never!! ♥)


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